Although there is a lot of controversy over the topic, it is important to understand multi personality disorder as it is seen today, definition, cause, and treatment.


What is MPD:

Multi personality disorder, properly called dissociative identity disorder today, is a rare disorder in which the person has two or more alter personalities that altimatly control the persona life. The person can not remember switching personalities or what they did while they were switched. Right now, there is no accepted concensus on the proper way to diagnose or treat this disorder.

How is it known to be caused as of now:

Currently it is thought that Multi Personality disorder is caused by severe trauma in the earlier years of a persons life. However, there is no proven cause of the disorder, only theories. This theory is doubted because some cases of these disorders have no trace of past trauma at all. However, this theory is the closest researches can get to the cause this far.


The goal in treating this disorder is to ensure the safety of the individual by connecting all of the personalities into one functioning personality. This is done in variouse ways. Many types of therapy sessions are used including family therapy, ccreative therapy, cognative therapy, and psychotherapy.  There are no medications that can cure this disorder however antideppresents and other meds can be used to stabalize moods. Clinical hypnosis is also used a lot to alow the patient to look back on past traumas and explore them.